"It's all about sound. I think guitar players who strive for technical excellence have lost the plot really. The whole point of the electric guitar started when Charlie Christian plugged his guitar into an amplifier to make it sound like a saxophone or whatever, and if I can press some button in the studio to make my guitar come up with a new sound then what's so bad about that? It's like the whole idea that techno isn't "proper" music 'cos they can't play instruments is so short-sighted. That's surely where new music comes from."
/Nick McCabe
Mannen, The Man, utan vars gitarrslingor mitt liv skulle ha tett sig gråare, tråkigare, outhärdligare… Mannen vars genius ligger helt i känslan, KÄNSLAN, helt utanför den stelnade teknikens återupprepande manér. Mannen som alltid får mitt sinne att lyfta och flyga bland lätta moln…Mitt liv skulle helt ärligt inte vara komplett utan denna människa som jag inte ens känner eller träffat, men ändå Mannen som får mig att skriva dessa patetiska högtravande rader… Men... Så är det! So it goes! Det här är mina sidor och jag skriver precis det som faller mig in. Here goes then…
Thank you, Nick McCabe! My life is richer with you (and The Verve) in it. You would make mankind a great favour if you and Richard got together again to create some more magic… honestly. Divine talent should be heard, and you’re fucking divine to me, or at least the nearest you can get down here. "McCabe is well known for rarely playing the same guitar lines twice, and it is this which gives The Verve their unique unpredictability when playing live. For those who complain how McCabe doesn't jump around when playing live (hello RAFT list!) it is simply because he is often not reciting the guitar parts heard on the records but improvising new parts and textures as the songs uncoil. As well as being brave in a gig setting, this requires McCabe to concentrate on his effects and amp settings, meaning he spends much of every gig monitoring his effects rack LED readouts and altering his footpedal settings."
I was thinking maybe we could go outside
Let the night sky cool your foolish pride
Don’t you feel alive
These are your times and our highs
Det enda jag förmodligen ångrar bittert hittills i mitt liv är att jag aldrig fick se dem live…
(Text inom citat tagen härifrån)
2 kommentarer:
Vet inte om du egentligen vill höra det, men jag såg Verve på klubben the Richmond i Brighton sommaren 1992 (She´s A Superstar-turnén)! Det är utan tvivel fortfarande en av de starkaste upplevelser jag varit med om alla kategorier... Richard Ashcrofts utstrålning den kvällen var inte av denna världen.
Nää, åååh...skatta dig lycklig då, men det gör du ju redan! :) Åh, önskar bara att jag hade fått vara med då också...suuuck. Allvarligt... blir helt sjuk av tanken att det aldrig kommer en ny chans...
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